I get her the best because I don't want her to feel like the poor kid

I get pretty anxious. Because of this she always did most of the talking to people and financial stuff. In terms of memory, I have noticed my memory being worse than usual. Right, but my point was more that it could have been a lost in translation thing. With leaks especially, these usually pass through multiple ears before they get to the person who actually leaks it. It could have been as simple as someone saying "TWEWY is coming to Switch" and someone thought "oh sequel, cool". Tankini Swimwear Maybe the Omega Weapon hailed from the 1st or 2nd Astral Era.Maybe it could been literally anything other than "hey guys, we can create anything that isn banking ENTIRELY off nostalgia. We knocked it out of the park with Coil and Alexander was total trash until the finale, so this time we NOT EVEN GOING TO TRY."Even Ivalice is straight up just a nostalgia retread. The music is at least remixed.What Ivalice? It the game throwing FF12 summons at you and going "hey, remember that", but it at least has the conceit of using the ones that weren featured in FFT like Rofocale. Tankini Swimwear beach dresses I get her the best because I don't want her to feel like the poor kid. I want her to do better than me. I love her.. You should have a room in which the wizard tried to replicate the owlbear experiment. Tankini Swimwear There should be a bunch of beakers filled with strange liquids, you can roll a d20 to determine what the liquid does, 1 10 odds damage target ex poison fire etc, even heals target, 11 20 odds mutate target with a disadvantage ex one of your legs becomes a octopus leg halving your speed, even mutate target with a advantage ex you grow wings or gain darkvision. 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